Thursday 26 February 2015

Taboos, superstitions, beliefs... they are common to Malaysians, be they Chinese...

'Taboos, superstitions, beliefs... they are common to Malaysians, be they Chinese...'

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Taboos, superstitions, beliefs… they are common to Malaysians, be they Chinese, Malays or Indians. While some are believeable and logical (to a point), some are downright weird, or funny or completely make you say “What?! Are you for real?”

These are examples of Chinese New Year taboos. Some are pretty well-known, some are rather obscure.

Do you know of any other CNY taboo, especially the ones which are not common? Why not share them with us. The more obscure, the better.

#Etiqa #taboo #CNY #ChineseNewYear

Etiqa Chinese New Year 2015 – Taboos

Taboos, superstitions, beliefs… they are common to Malaysians, be they Chinese, Malays or Indians. While some are believeable and logical (to a point), som…


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